L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday

Words are a Powerful Vehicle

Kris Meyer
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00:00 | 06:18

You've probably heard commentators speak to the untruth in the old childhood adage, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me." I wonder how that saying ever came to be. It was probably meant to give courage to a child to deal with or stand up to name calling or intimidation. But we all know it is not true. Words can hurt. Words can cause lifelong damage and harm.

Remember the "swiveled lens" that eye doctors flip when we are asked at an examination, "which is better, 1 or 2?" What if we "flip" the focus of that childhood adage to ring, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but my words will always reflect the best of me?" Think of what we can do for others and ourselves, by flipping our focus away from fear to bringing goodness and kindness through the  words we speak.

Thanks for listening.