L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
This weekly podcast offers people on the journey of life, stories, insights, encouragement for better living.
L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
It's so Easy to Be Nice
I love the quote attributed to Saint Basil (A.D. 330-379) when he said, "[Those] who sow courtesy reap friendship, and [those] who plant kindness gather love." It's so true, basically simple and yet so often we struggle.
Today the models of sarcasm, snarkiness, and rudeness can be seen all over the airwaves of television, movies, memes, FaceBook, and more. You can't miss it. I cringe to see how much our children are exposed to the tones and the words of a sarcastic society. But it doesn't have to be, does it? We can't change all the exposure, but we can change ourselves and through the ripples of energy and appreciated kindness we can make a difference in someone.
So, let's keep trying.
Thanks for listening.