L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
This weekly podcast offers people on the journey of life, stories, insights, encouragement for better living.
L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
There is a Yiddish verb for complaining, kvetch. Its literal meaning is, to squeeze or to crush. When I think of the definition in reference to a person who is chronically complaining, or kvetching, it really fits, because a chronic complainer always squeezes joy out of the moment, crushes someone's spirit, wears on people listening, or simply makes others decide not to spend time with the "kvetcher."
There are healthy times to complain when action is needed to improve a situation. That is different from the habit of chronic/critical complaining, or "kvetching." The sound of the word, "kvetch" even brings a disagreeable feeling to one's lips.
So, who wants to be known as a "kvetcher?"
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