L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
This weekly podcast offers people on the journey of life, stories, insights, encouragement for better living.
L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
The Mind's Eye
I have a book entitled, Wisdom from The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Whohlleben. In the page on "Patience," he writes: "Acorns and beechnuts fall at the feet of large 'mother trees.' Dr. Suzanne Simard, who helped discover maternal instincts in trees, describes mother trees as dominant trees widely linked to other trees in the forest through their fungal-root connections. These trees pass their legacy on to the next generation and exert their influence in the upbringing of the youngsters."
I am learning so much about how humans, animals, plants, and any living substance seems to pass along resilience and wisdom. It is amazing. Something not to be dismissed or taken for granted. So, if it is in our DNA to garner our experiences, our instincts, and our observations to pass on something meaningful, perhaps in the form of wisdom, to others, then we should.
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