L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
This weekly podcast offers people on the journey of life, stories, insights, encouragement for better living.
L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday
Harnessing the Energy of Change
I love telling the story about a mouse sitting with a dove in a fir tree during a blizzard. The mouse asks the dove what the weight of a snowflake is, to which the dove replies, "Nothing." Then the mouse tells the dove a story about a time when he was sitting on a branch during a blizzard and decided to count the snowflakes as they fell to the branch. When the number reached 1,784,293, the next snowflake, that weightless snowflake, when it fell to the branch, the branch broke. The dove thought a bit and then replied, "If the weight of a snowflake, when combined with that of many, can cause a branch to break, so perhaps the weight of people, working together can make a difference."
I don't know about you, but I think the dove is right.
Thanks for listening.