L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday

Unregret Your Life

Kris Meyer

People have often asked why I can always be so happy. I tell them that I live by two philosophies of life. One is that every day I look forward to something. It can be as simple as my morning cup of coffee. The second is that when I'm 108 years old, I don't want to look back on my life and say, "Why didn't I?" I don't want to regret. So, when given an opportunity to take a chance that seems to fit who I am and what I live for...I try my best to take it!

For some reason, I reflected on life in this way early on and am glad I did. I wish I could remember all the happenstance moments that helped me mold those two philosophies, but they have served me well and I truly am a happy person. Another thing I have also learned in life is that it's almost, (note almost) never too late to begin, or edit your choices and ways of approaching your living.

Thanks for listening.