L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday

The Panhandler

Kris Meyer

In one of the texts I used when teaching Family Counseling, the author, Robert Taibbi, states that, "People are always doing the best that they can." He goes on to expand on this point saying, "If you believe that people are doing the best they can in the moment, not only is it a more optimistic view of life, but then it is possible to be compassionate to others rather than taking the one-up judgmental stance."

When we give up the role of judge, we can lean into compassion much easier and that always makes us better people and affects those we meet in ways we may not ever know. A quote I found recently by an unknown source says it best, "Be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved, and supported."

Be that person.

Thanks for listening.