L.I.V.E. Life Inspired Views for Everyday

Wound Stories

Kris Meyer

I don't know if genetics plays a part in this or not, but one thing I believe I inherited from my dad is the deep care I feel for wounded people. We all have experienced emotional wounds in our lives, but I watched while growing up how my dad would tend to these people with an open heart, ready to hear their wound story. I asked him many times why it seemed people were drawn to tell him the stories of the wounds they carried inside. He would say, "I don't know for sure, but when we sit down to talk, I simply say, 'Tell me about it.'"

I recently found a file of letters he saved from people who had shared their stories with him. The letters shared their gratefulness for his listening ear, his wisdom in helping them sort through the pain, and then discovering their way to forgiveness and peace.

Wound stories are important. Sharing them is often important so peace can take root.

Thanks for listening.